Aid to victims of Kemerovo fire tragedy
On 25 March, we all witnessed the horrible tragedy unfold in Kemerovo.
These events do not let anyone who is thinking, feeling, condolent, and compassionate stay on the sidelines.
On the initiative of Viktor Vekselberg, Renova Group’s Board Chairman, today, on the National Day of Mourning,
the Group has launched a charitable fundraising campaign for the victims of the Kemerovo tragedy and their families.
Everyone may take part in the campaign. All raised funds will be channeled to the survivors and families of victims of the fire tragedy.
To help you may make an online donation, having pressed "Donate money" button.
Or to make donation bank transfer on the specified requisites.
Für eine Online-Spende klicken Sie, bitte, auf Button „Spenden“ ("Donate money") hier.
Wenn Sie eine Spende per Überweisung vornehmen möchten, finden Sie hier die Bankverbindung.
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